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Snow or Desert special connections

When the ground is frozen or too dry changing the electric connections between the charger and the fence line is highly recommended

The humidity of the sub soil being the conductive element ,frozen earth or excessively dry earth are not conductive to good grounding of electric fences as it acts more as an insulator than a conductor. Thus a fence which is working well most of the year suddenly finds it difficult to transmit the pulse through the ground and does not appear to be working  

By simply changing the tape connections on your fence you will be able to remedy the situation

With this special snow or desert connection system, regardless of ground conditions your horses will receive a shock when they touch the negatives and the positives tapes simultaneously as they close the electric circuit for a split second .

Changes in the connections for 2 Strands , 3 Strands , 4 Strands

For 2 Strands

standard connection
special connection
frozen ground or dry ground
  • Leave the top tape n°1 connected to the (+) red terminal as for standard fencing connection
  • Disconnect the bottom tape n°2 and reconnect it directly to the (-) green terminal
  • In any situation always keep the ground rod connected .

For 3 Strands

standard connection
special connection
frozen ground or dry ground
  • Connect the top tape (+) and bottom tape (+) (n°1 and n°3) together using the cable #59H at the buckle # 36W
  • Connect the n°1 top tape (+) to the (+) red terminal of the charger using a # 59L
  • Connect the n°2 middle tape (-)to the (-) green terminal of the charger using a # 59L
  • (order 1 extra #59L)

For 4 Strands

standard connection
special connection
frozen ground or dry ground
  • Connect the top (+)and middle (+) (positive tapes )together using the cable #59 H at the buckles #36W .
  • Connect the top tape (+) to the + red terminal of the charger using a cable #59L.
  • Connect the second (-)and fourth (-) (negative tapes)together using the cable #59 H at the buckles #36W .
  • Connect the second tape (-) to the - green terminal of the charger using a #59L.
  • order 1 extra #59L and a #59H

Special situation

It has been snowing a lot …..and the snow reaches the tape.

The snow reaches the (-) negative tape : no problem the fence will keep working The snow reaches the (+) positive tape disconnect it .

At no place should the positive tape and the negative tape be interconnected .
  • You can leave all your insulators in place just change the connections between the tapes and the charger .
  • When Spring arrives and the ground conditions are more favourable you can change back to standard connection.

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